Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Birthday Card

For so reason a number of my friends have Birthdays near the beginning of November.
So I decided to make a couple cards for their birthdays. Here is the outside and inside of one of them and the inside of another.

Friday, October 17, 2008

To those who read my posts

Well....I never said I was perfect or even close to it.
You may have noticed that often things may get posted twice! This is due to my lapse in memory.
No, I don't mean to post things twice. If this blog thing would let me edit things more than a couple of times I would remove the duplicates. However my tech knowledge is slim and if it is possible to edit at a later time, then I haven't figured it out.
So Sorry.

Magic Circle

I seem to have gotten off into a huge burst of creative energy yesterday! ( Maybe because mercury retrograde is over!) Anyway, Both the poem and this 'writing" just seemed to 'show up"....I really didn't think about them...they just sort of wrote themselves!
I sent the poem separately. I have no ides what to call this except to say it is a 'writing".

Mandala...."magic circle"
what happens in the magic circle? Wonder! Amazement! Exploding colors!
The fairies come out to play!
Anything can happen!
Anything is possible!
The unusual and the unknown show up!
Rays of light play across the lily pads of creation.
How do I allow the flow of creative ideas?
How to translate them into images that reveal their inner meanings?
Am I washed in the tide of discovery, or do I sink into the darkness of judgement?
For in laughter is the breeze of unfoldment.
Where is that creative genius hiding?
Up a river in a boat with no paddle!
( row, row, row the boat).
Fearing to drown in the waves of mediocrity.
The undertow is strong.
Stagnation sucks the moving feet into the abyss of quicksand....deeper and deeper.
What rope is strong enough to overcome the muck?
How to stay in the wonderment of the magic circle?
How to stay skimming across ordinary landscapes,
enjoying the potent possibilities?

Altered Book pages (3)

24 hour dream connection

Here are some pictures of an Altered Book I did awhile ago called 24 hour dream connection.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

MANDALA....magic circle

Mandala....."magic circle"
What happens in the "magic circle"?
Wonder! Amazement? Exploding colors!
The fairies come out to play!
Anything is possible!
Am I washed in the tide of discovery....or do I sink into the darkness of judgment?
The unusual and the unknown show up!
Rays of light play across the lily pads of creation.
How do I allow the flow of creative ideas?
How to translate them into images that reveal their inner meanings?
For in laughter is the breeze of unfoldment.
Where is that creative genius hiding?
Up a river in a boat without a paddle.......
( row, row, row the boat)
Fearing to drown in the waves of mediocrity.
The undertow is strong.
Stagnation sucks the moving feet into the abyss of quicksand....deeper and deeper.
What rope is strong enough to overcome the muck?
How to stay in the wonderment of the magic circle?
How to stay skimming across the ordinary landscape....just enjoying the potent possibilities?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sitting In The Void

Sitting in the Void
watching the chaos
and destruction collapse
in the wake of past footsteps.
The destruction lies behind....
Still smoldering from the fires of transformation.
The observer watches,
Allowing the movie to play out.
The ribbon of road stretches into
the unknown destination.
Nothing suspends it,
no landscape is viewed,
Just the unknown
waiting for the traveler to ride.
Both the road and the void
await the traveler's magical colors of creation
to paint in the details,
to decide the destination,
to drive fearlessly into the sun.