Saturday, October 31, 2009


Here is the latest assemblage. It mostly "made itself' as I found all the pieces in one stop at a thrift store...except for the finials which I already had.

Most interesting, especially since it was made so close to the "Day of the Dead".

Monday, October 5, 2009

Altered Book: "OHara"

I was inspired by an artist I saw on the internet recently and ended up exchanging emails. I wanted to give a big '"Thank you" for his work, so decided to make him an altered book.
I ended up posting the 3rd picture twice..ooops... The central image of this picture was with permission from Tom O'Hara, who is the artist that the book was made for.

Monday, September 28, 2009


I was playing around with chrome paint and came up with this idea of a sun rising as you
"unzip" the world. So a made a zipper openng to reveal the sunrise. I made small squares painted chrome to illustrate "mountains." Everything except the sun is chrome painted. What fun!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This collage is about three time periods in which there was big unrest and "revolution".The time periods represented are:

the 1700's...the American revolution, the 1930-40's the second world war and the rise of the Nazi's, (there is a Nazi sign at the bottom left of the baby picture) , and the recent Chinese unrest.

memory collage series

More in the memory collage series

Memory collage series

Here is more in the memory collage series.

Memory collage series

I started making a "memory collage series" I thought it would be an interesting project. I take vintage photos and make collages out tof them. My idea is maybe offer this as an art service to people. Take their vintage or loved photos and make collages out of them

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


1 I was lucky enough to find a bunch of dolls at a yard sale recently.
Naturally I got inspired to make some art!
Ths is the result
Doesn't look at all like the doll it came from!
( this is being added Sept. 28,2009.) Problem...I decided to show this piece at a recent art show and in transporting it, the "septer" got broken off and so far I have not found it. I'm so sad about this as I really liked it with the "septer".

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Venus DeMilo

Been very lax about posting lately. Been busy. Have done a couple art shows and even one that was a one person show.!

Anyway, here is the latest.

I have fallen in love with this piece and maybe think I like it the best of all the assemblages I've done.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Latest art, late posting

I am way behind posting. Here are some of my latest art.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Blue Crow

Ths started out as an angel doll that goes on top of a Christmas tree. With a bit of altering, it is
now a blue crow.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

View of the World

Here is the top

View of the World

I am involved with an assemblage project called "Inside the Box".
Years ago I had made a cigar box assemblage and decided that this would be a good entry.
It shows how much Hollywood influences our views! Also shows everyone's view is their own.
Here is the top of the box, the inside cover and the inside.

I have been working on a project that required 5 small canvases. the project gave 5 words and one word is illustrated on each canvas. Some of the words were difficult to decide on an image!
Here are the words: potter, maintain, cob, calyx ( had to look it up), and nape.
Here is what I ended up making. You can try to decide which image goes with which word!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Got off on a strange kick with this three panel collage ( of sorts).
If you click to enlarge, you can see the word: remind me, a house is not a home.
I was rather taken with the concept of this but I am not that thrilled with how the end result turned out.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Been off line for awhile. My computer crashed and I had to replace my hard drive.
Been doing a lot of art in the meantime. Here is an "assemblage" of sorts I just finished.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Abstract "whatever" it is

Not sure what to call this abstract work. Much different than anything I've ever made before.

Budding Fiddlehead Ferns

Entering a new gallery show next month. The theme is gardens, plants, etc.
So I made this "Budding Fiddlehead Fern" picture.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Altered book for RPK

I recently made an altered book for a special person. Here are some of the pages.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

page 2-6 of "V" book

Here are the rest of the pages for "V" Book

"V" book an altered book

Recently I completed an altered book. I made it for a very nice gentleman who works at the art store I go to frequently. He ohh's and ah's over the work I've showed him, so I thought I would make him a little book. Since he was born in Russia, I included imgs he would be familiar with.
Also included were images from two books I like: "Sacred Ground, Sacred Space: by RP Kryder and The Illuminated Rumi: illustrations by M. Green.

Friday, March 13, 2009

embroidery/ "crewel work"

Some time ago I was sent a package that contained a piece of embroidery called "crewel work" that I made one winter when I had two babies under 2 years old and no TV. ( yes, there was a time when people did not have TV!)
anyway, I thought I would post it. And NO WAY would I evn think about trying to do it ever again!

Asian Image

Again made for one of my on line art challenges.

True Being

The last image was done for the International Collage Exchange. (Dancing with Death)
This one was done for one of my on line art challenges.

Dancng with Death/ International Collage Exchange


Again, this was for one of the art challenges.

focal/ challenge

This was also done for one of the art challenges. It is to show an old photo or picture and arrows.

Klint inspired

I am in a couple art challenges on line. This was done for one of them.